Rockerz Skate Guards E-Commerce Website


Rockerz Skate Guards is the #1 pick for ice skaters. The first-of-it’s-kind guard allows you to walk comfortably and safely in your skates, a ground breaker in the industry.

The Problem:

Rockerz e-commerce website has not been updated since 2011, meaning new standard best practices and design principals have not been utilized. The company has also seen growth and now wants to sell new Rockerz products.

The Goal:

Revamp the entire website to match today’s design standards, make the site navigation an easier experience , rebuild the guard color selector, and sell new Rockerz products.

My Role:

I have created lo-fi wireframes for the new website’s direction and flow. I became the to go-between for the stakeholders and developers. I will be directing the creation of graphics and photography to be used on the website. Hi-Fi mockups will be created when I have all new graphics, copy, and new color selector made.

 My Work

These wireframes were built using Adobe Xd

I started with the Navigation because that is where I found the most issues on the current site. Note all items in the top navigation are clickable.

Lo-Fi Homepage Navigation

This is my proposal for the website homepage. Use the ‘Shop’ tab to navigate to all products. The goal was to give users multiple touch points to shop all products.

Lo-Fi Homepage Shop all Products